Live Edition 4: Hydrogen Ecosystems: Transforming the energy systems


For a holistic and successful hydrogen society, it is essential to think globally and act locally. Progress comes from the local moves! In this Live Edition, we will discuss concrete mechanisms and moves to connect the dots.

Locally, diverse conditions in the regional ecosystems must be considered, and the existing requirements and the goals that are exactly best fitting for the region must be coordinated.

An integrated, local hydrogen economy thrives on networking, knowledge transfer with an open innovation approach and the greatest possible use of existing movers and shakers.

How to overcome the gap between governmental idea and real implementation? However, suitable funding instruments are also needed for success. The aim must be to produce hydrogen locally from renewable energies wherever possible - and then also consumed in the region.

It will be important in our presentations and the Q&A that those Ecosystems can be transferred to other regions. And that many regionally interconnected energy systems are created.

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