Medhyterra - A low-carbon ammonia import terminal  on the Fos Tonkin site

Medhyterra - A low-carbon ammonia import terminal on the Fos Tonkin site

Medhyterra - A low-carbon ammonia import terminal  on the Fos Tonkin site
Medhyterra - A low-carbon ammonia import terminal  on the Fos Tonkin site


The Medhyterra project involves redeveloping part of the Fos Tonkin LNG terminal into a low-carbon ammonia import, storage, and distribution terminal. It plans to construct a 30,000 m³ tank in place of a decommissioned LNG tank. Existing infrastructure will be repurposed to accommodate ships transporting up to 200,000 tonnes of low-carbon ammonia per year (10 to 15 ships annually). The project aims to supply the Fos-Berre area with low-carbon ammonia to decarbonize the activities of ammonia and/or hydrogen-consuming industries, thanks to its downstream cracking of the terminal, as well as maritime mobility as an alternative fuel.

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